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On Your Side

Written by Juana Parral

“I'm willing to be seen. I'm willing to speak up. I'm willing to keep going.

I'm willing to listen to what others have to say.

I'm willing to go to bed each night at peace with myself.

I'm willing to be my biggest bestest most powerful self.”

― Emma Watson


“To all the little girls who are watching this, never doubt that you are valuable and powerful, and deserving of every chance and opportunity in the world to pursue and achieve your own dreams.”

― Hillary Clinton

Supporting Materials

If you are interested in the themes and issues mentioned in this piece, you can learn more and take action by clicking on the links below! 

ARTICLE: 7 Things You Can Do to Help Planned Parenthood and the Communities it Serves  (Planned Parenthood Action Fund)

ARTICLE: Amy Coney Barrett: what will she mean for women's rights (the Guardian)

ARTICLE: ‘The Most Important Woman Lawyer in the History of the Republic’ (Politico)

PETITION: Vote on the Paycheck Fairness Act

It’s very important to know that someone is On Your Side. Follow Billie as she navigates through her day while trying to remain sane avoiding every microaggression under the rainbow. You know how it is. 

On Your Side is a new work from Juana Parral inspired by this article on the passing of Supreme Court Justice, Ruth Bader Ginsberg. This piece was selected as part of the first season of Informed and Entertained, produced and developed by The Void.


Billie  Sarah Bastian

David  Dylan Jackson 

Craig  Stephen Perkins 

Margaret  Madison Pratt



Director Brittney Anderson

Dramaturg Dezi Tibbs

Director of Photography Daniel Jones

Originally released December 14, 2020

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